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Build Initialization


Custom Build Library

Build initialization is used to set all the Blender Build information on the first installation of a Custom Build.

Initialization Options


Initialization Options

Executable Name

Enter the name of the executable for the custom Blender version.


This supports auto-completion and will show you the existing available executable files as you type.


Make sure to input the correct executable name and do not select the BlenderLauncher.exe file.

Auto Detect Information

If the executable file has been found, the Auto Detect Option will be available. You can click on it to autofill all the build info fields.


Subversion corresponds to the Blender version you are initializing. Example format: 4.0.2

Build Hash

Unique build ID.

Commit Time

Time when the build was created.

Branch Name

Name of the branch used to make the build.

Custom Name

Name the build will have in the Blender Launcher.


You can set any desired name here.


Add the build to the Favorite builds in the Blender Launcher.