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  • Linux or Windows x64
  • Python 3.9
  • pdm


To use different Python version, run pdm use to select the correct python interpreter

Using Pdm


All actions should be performed under repository root folder i.e. /Blender-Launcher-V2!

Preparing virtual environment

  1. Install pdm package

    pip install pdm
  2. Create the virtual environment

    python -m pip install virtualenv
    python -m virtualenv --clear --download .venv
    python -m ensurepip
    python -m pip install --upgrade pdm
    # Enter the virtual Environment
    pdm venv activate
    # ^ Execute the command this returns with!
  3. Install dependencies

    pip install -e .
    pdm install

Running Blender Launcher


As of (c90f33d), cached Blender-Launcher-V2 files (such as and global.qss) are no longer included in the source due to them artificially inflating git diffs. In order to generate them, run the script located in the root project directory. running Blender Launcher without these being built will result in an error.

python source/

Building Blender Launcher .exe


Executables made in Pyinstaller must be built inside the target platform! You cannot build for a different platform other than your own.

  1. Run batch file

  2. Look for bundled app under Blender-Launcher-V2\dist\release folder

  1. Run shell script file

  2. Look for bundled app under Blender-Launcher-V2/dist/release folder


Preview the Documentation

  1. Run the batch file
  2. Open the Documentation in a web browser.
  1. Run the shell script file
    sh .\script\
  2. Open the Documentation in a web browser.

Update the Documentation


You should never edit the documentation in the gh-pages branch; this branch is used to publish the documentation.

Make the desired modifications in the .md files.

Publish the Documentation

  1. Run the batch file
  1. Run the shell script file
    sh .\script\